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Interested in learning more about Columbia palletizing? Stop by our booth to learn about the latest palletizing solutions.
Show Interviews

Pack Expo 2019: HL4200 High Level Palletizer
At Pack Expo 2019, Packaging World interviewed Columbia's Sales Director, Ted Yeigh to learn about the new HL4200 high speed palletizer.

Pack Expo 2018: FL3000 Floor Level Palletizer
At Pack Expo 2018, Packaging World interviewed Columbia's Sales Director, Ted Yeigh to learn about the FL3000 floor level palletizer.

Pack Expo 2017 Interview: FL6200SW & OTTO 1500
At Pack Expo 2017 Columbia Machine demonstrated the NEW FL6200SW high-speed, floor level palletizer including a fully integrated stretch wrapper that discharged onto the OTTO™ 1500 SDV that transported the full load around the booth without the use of guides.

Pack Expo Interview 2016: FL6200 Floor Level Palletizer
At Pack Expo 2016 Columbia Machine demonstrated the NEW FL6200 high speed, floor level palletizer that combines unmatched flexibility, zero-time changeover, the precision movements of a robot with the familiar simplicity of a conventional palletizer.

Pack Expo 2015: HL6200 High Level Palletizer
At Pack Expo 2015, Packaging World interviewed Columbia's Sales Director, Ted Yeigh, to learn about their new HL6200 high speed row forming palletizer.
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