High Speed Inline Palletizers
Columbia's inline palletizers provide an unmatched level of safety, flexibility, and performance.
Innovation driven by:
Industry-leading Category 3 safety package is one of many ways Columbia safeguards your team, making sure every day is safe and productive.
Columbia conventional palletizers can handle virtually any package type with the broadest product line available, modular layouts, and gentle product handling.
Minimum guarantee of 98% uptime, industry leading Product Manager HMI interface, available zero time tool-less changeover and Smart Diagnostics enhanced video playback.
Unmatched In Safety,
Flexibility, & Performance
Our easy-to-operate palletizers set the industry standard for speed and performance.
Why Choose an Inline Palletizer?
When the ultimate in throughput for dedicated high speed lines is required or when zero time, toolless changeover for multiline applications is needed, Columbia high speed inline palletizers are a perfect solution.

With Columbia’s advanced Product Manager graphic-based HMI, our conventional palletizers offer unlimited pattern-forming capabilities and zero time — zero tool changeover. As an integrated systems solutions provider and home to the broadest palletizer product line of any conventional palletizer supplier, Columbia is sure to have a solution for all of your palletizing needs.
High Speed In-line Palletizer FAQs
In-line palletizers utilize a continuous motion flow divider that guides product onto the layer forming area. Package / product infeed elevation is usually between 110" and 145" above the floor for a high speed In-line Palletizer. Complete loads of product are built by forming layers of product. A chain driven hoist is located in the load building area to bring an empty pallet up to the layer stripper apron and be in position to accept the first layer of a new load. The hoist raises and lowers accepting new layers of product until the desired number of layers has been placed on the pallet to form a complete load.
In-line palletizers are very high speed (pattern dependent). The case conveyor feeding an inline palletizer is essentially centered on the longitudinal access of the palletizer.
Most High Level infeed palletizers bring product into the machine at roughly 110" to 145". Specific patterns are created by orienting packages to form layers of product. Complete loads are built by placing the desired number of layers on top of one another.
Palletizer sizing is a function of desired production rate (cases per minute), layer patterns and machine and facility layout.
Automating the end of a production line is a necessity when the rate is too high for workers to safely build loads of finished goods by hand, when the finished load is somewhat tall (above shoulder height) or if there is a risk to injury due to repetitive motion activity.
Maintenance requirements are very low but will vary by application to some degree. Operations that are somewhat dusty or that run 3 shifts per day and 7 days a week will require more frequent maintenance. Typical annual maintenance may include conveyor drive belt replacement or perhaps a cylinder seal or a sensor replacement.
All Columbia Palletizers include Category III safety components and wiring methodology.
All Columbia palletizers use standard components that are customized to meet the unique needs of every application. Working with our Sales Engineering team to optimize the plant layout, machine orientation and package handling variables will ensure your palletizing solution is optimized. With the broadest line of conventional palletizers available, Columbia can always size the palletizer for current needs as well as considering potential future needs.
All Columbia palletizers use standard components that are custom configured to meet the unique needs of every application. There are countless layout configurations available, slip and tier sheet options, touchless case turning infeeds, small case handling kits and more.
In-line palletizers are used when the desired production rate is considered very high and too fast for a traditional Floor Level or High Level palletizer.
Free Science Of Palletizing Book
Request your free copy of The Science of Palletizing Book. The Science of Palletizing is a 72-page educational introduction to the basics of unit-load forming and is designed to familiarize you with the fundamentals of palletizing.